Monday, August 10, 2020

How to Declare Variables in javascript?


A variable is a value assigned to an identifier, so you can reference and use it later in the program.   a concept you'll frequently hear about. A variable must be declared before someone can use it. We have 2 main ways to declare variables. The first is to use const :

const a = 0

What's the difference? 

const defines a constant reference to a value. This means the reference cannot be changed. You cannot reassign a new value to it. Using let you can assign a new value to it. 

 a = 1 

Because you'll get an error: 

TypeError: Assignment to constant variable. 

On the other hand, you can do it using let :

let a = 0

 a = 1 

const does not mean "constant".In particular, it does not mean the value cannot change - it means it cannot be reassigned. If the variable points to an object or an array (we'll see more about objects and arrays later) the content of the object or the array can freely change. Const variables must be initialized at the declaration time:

const a = 0

but let values can be initialized later:

const a = 1, b = 2 

let c = 1, d = 2  

But you cannot redeclare the same variable more than one time:

let a = 1 

let a = 2 

or you'd get a "duplicate declaration" error. 

My advice is to always use const and only use let when you know you'll need to reassign a value to that variable. Why? If we know value cannot be reassigned, it's one less source for bugs.

 Now we saw how to work  const and let,  

Until 2015, var was the only way we could declare a variable in JavaScript. Today, a modern codebase will most likely just use const and let. There are some fundamental differences that I detail in this post but if you're just starting out, you might not care about it. Just use const and let. 

Syntax of Javascript How to Write javascript?

 I will give you littel introduction I want to tell you about 5 concepts:

 .white space

 .case sensitivity 




White space:

JavaScript does not consider white space meaningful. Space and lines break can be added in any fashions you might like, even though this is in theory. In practice, you will most likely keep a well-defined style and adhere to what people commonly use and enforce this using a linter or a styling tool such as Prettier.  example,  like to always 2 characters to indent. 

Case sensitive:

JavaScript is case sensitive. A variable named something is different from Something. The same goes for any identifier. 


 We define as literal a value that is written in the source code, for example, a number, a string, boolean or also more advanced constructs, like Object Literals or Array Literals:

'Test' true

 ['a', 'b'] 

{color: 'red', shape: 'Rectangle'}


An identifier is a sequence of characters that can be used to identify a variable, a function, and object. It can start with letters, the dollar sign $ or an underscore _, and it can contain digits. Using One code, a letter can be any allowed char, for example, an emoji ß . Test test TEST _test Test1 $test The dollar sign is commonly used to reference DOM elements. Some names are reserve for JavaScript internal uses, and we can't use them as identifier.


 Comments are one of the most important parts of any program. In any programming language. They are important because they let us annotate the code and add important information that otherwise would not be available to other people (or ourselves) reading the code. In JavaScript,  you can write a comment on a single line  //.  

// a comment 

true //another comment 

Another type of comment is a multi-line comment. 

It starts with /* and ends with */ . Everything in between is not considered as code: 

/* some kind

of comment */

Learn Javascript Step by Step What is Javascript javascript Complete Knowlwdge

Add caption

 JavaScript is a programming language. I believe it's a great language to be your first programming language ever. We mainly use JavaScript to create websites web applications server-side applications using Node.js but JavaScript is not limited to these things, and it can also be used to create mobile applications using tools like React Native create programs for microcontrollers and the internet of things create smartwatch applications It can basically do anything. It's very popular that everything new that shows up is going to have some kind of JavaScript integration at some point. JavaScript is a programming language that is:

high level: 

it provides an abstraction that allows you to ignore the details of the machine where it's running on. Which manages memory automatically with a garbage collector, so you can focus on the code instead of managing memory like other languages like C would need, and provides many constructs that  allow you to deal with highly powerful variable and object. 


Opposit  to static programming languages, a dynamic language executes at runtime many of the things that a static language does at compile time.   and which gives us powerful features like dynamic content  typing, late binding, reflection, functional programming, object runtime alteration, closures, and much more. Don't worry if those things are unknown to you - you'll know all of those at the end of the course.

dynamically typed:

 a variable does not enforce a type. You can reassign 5 any type to a variable, for example, assigning an integer to a variable that holds a string. 

loosely typed: 

as opposed to strong typing, loosely (or weakly) typed languages do not enforce the type of an object, allowing more flexibility but denying us type safety and type checking  


which commonly known as an interpreted language, which means that it does not need a compilation stage before a program can run, as opposed to C, Java, or Go for example. In practice, the browser does compiles JavaScript before executing it, for performance reasons, but this is transparent to you: there is no additional step involved. 


The language does not reinforce any particular programming paradigm, unlike Java for example, which forces the use of object-oriented programming, or C that forces imperative programming. You can write JavaScript using an object-oriented paradigm, using prototypes and the new (as of ES6) classes syntax. You can write JavaScript in a functional programming style, with its first-class functions, or even in an imperative style (C-like). In case you're wondering, JavaScript has nothing to do with Java, it's a poor name choice but we have to live with it. 

Javascript Syntax

Thursday, August 6, 2020

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media marketing is a way for companies or brands to interact with customers, maybe potential customers ina social, natural way.

This is typically done on bigger sites like Facebook or LinkedIn or Twitter but it can also be done on smaller niche sites that are built more around the community. Social media is like a town-hall, it's a place where people come to see their families or to catch up with friends, share stories even discuss today's latest breaking news or educate themselves. 

People don want to be handed a flyer with your sales pitch on it, people want to discuss and engaging things that are relevant to them, interesting to them, as a chance for brands to get in touch with these prospects that could be coming through their the pipeline, as a chance for them to reach out to people that may not know anything about them, to be able to discuss what's important to them, to engage in these conversations and have real discussions about real things that matter to the individual. Social media marketing can serve every stage of the buying cycle. 

To me, there's really two that stand out the most. The first one is the awareness stage which is where customers or prospects may not know anything about your company and you're really just trying to get yourself in front of them and so you're trying to engage in conversations with them or trying to just find places where they're talking about things that are related to your company, so you reach out to them and just make them aware of you, of your company.

 The second one is kind of on the other end of the spectrum which is more the customer relations side of things. Whether that support or just turning your existing customers, your most loyal ones, into brand advocates. If there's one thing to remember with social media marketing is to be yourself and have a personality. 

People don't want to engage with something stiff or just a logo they want to engage with a human so be a human being, be natural and be social. 

Monday, August 3, 2020

What is JavaScript? What Does It Do, and What Is It Used For?

 "What is JavaScript? What does it do and what is it used for?" 

Well, first, right off the bat, JavaScript is a programming language. But one of the things that makes it unique is that it runs right in your browser. 

Most programming languages for the web run on the server, and then what you get in your browser is a plain webpage. JavaScript's run by your browser and that makes it quite unique in the world of programming languages.

 We're here at JavaScript.comand one of their first examples is to simply type your name in quotes and hit enter. And there, when I did that it turned green, it put a checkmark on the left, and it made a button that said, "next challenge".

 My browser didn't go out to the server to get all that information, it just did it right here. So then, what can JavaScript do for us? There are lots and lots of great things. It's good at providing interactivity. Right here in this blog post, there's this little gallery of pictures. On some of them, if you hover, it pops up a description.

 And if you click, it fades the page out to black and brings up a large one with a space for comments below and arrows on the left and right and a little x here at the top. All kinds of interactivity. Another example of interactivity comes right here in this form field. It wants a date. When I click, it brings up a calendar and I can simply click. 

That helps remove the possibility of typing in a date incorrectly. And it helps you be sure about the date you're choosing. Another thing that JavaScript can enable is real-time content updates. We're looking here at a Google map and there are little pinpoints all over it. If I click one, it brings up some information. Now JavaScript went out to the server and got this little piece of information. It didn't reload the whole page. If I click on a different pinpoint, it goes to get different information. And then down in the bottom right are some tools for zooming. Each time I zoom it’s going out to the server, getting a new image. But it's doing it without reloading the entire browser.

 So, I don't lose whatever work I'm doing elsewhere on this page. JavaScript can also enable animation. This is a code example page. We have HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But together they make this solar system. And it's more than just animation.

 You can choose different planets to watch. You could turn it into 2D. You could zoom it out so that you could see allot the planets at once. And you can have different focuses. Right now, we're looking at speed, but if you made size proper, this is what the sun is like in scale to Earth, not like this, and there's also distance. All of this is done with just a little bit of JavaScript. 

One last thing I want to show you is dealing with data. You can take data in the proper format and feed it into JavaScript and create charts and graphs. These charts and graphs cane automatically updated based on the data that gets fed into them. So, let's review. JavaScript is a programming language. And the thing that makes it unique is that it runs in your browser, as opposed to on the server. 

It can provide interactivity, real-time content updates, and quite a few animation options. JavaScript is an exceptionally powerful language. One last thing I'd like to point out is that JavaScript is not related to Java in any way. The name is an unfortunate coincidence. They're completely different languages written for different purposes by different people at different times and they run on different machines. The thing to remember is that JavaScript is the one that runs in your browser. 

How to Become an SQL Developer in 2020

You can become an SQL developer.
when going through some of the most popular job boards online you can easily see that SQL continues to beaming the highly sought after skills for development.

 business intelligence and data science job offerings and why not start as an SQL Developer and use it as a foot in the door for a long term career in data science or bi that's why the topic of this blog is can you become an SQL developer.

and how to do it first we'll describe an SQL developers role in a company then we'll focus on the technical and soft skills you need to be successful on the job we'll also discuss the education and working experience hiring companies are looking for to top things off will provide information regarding the expected salary for SQL developers in different parts of the world but before.

 we get started we'd like to quickly tell you about something else we've put together very comprehensive data science training the 365 data science program contains the full set of data science courses you need to develop the entire skillset for the job it's completely beginner-friendly so even if you don’t have any math statistics or Excel knowledge.

it will help you first build those foundations before moving on to more advanced topics such as SQL and Literation’s with tableau power bi and Python so if you'd like to explore this further or enrol using a 20% discount there's a link in the description youkan check out so what does an SQL developer actually do in short we can say that this position requires you to build maintain and manipulate database systems and very often you'll have to use the data stored in the databases you created to develop ad-hoc and recurring reports to this end you will need to write and test SQL code as well as creates stored procedures functions and views to understand well how to organize their data an SQL developer must communicate well with technical and non-technical subject matter experts from the business for example a sales SME would be best qualified to communicate the granularity of sales data to be collected how the respective database should be maintained from a business perspective and how frequently the sales team would like to receive a given type of report they requested nowadays an SQL developer doesn't work in isolation companies work with different ERP systems and the databases you maintain will sometimes have to be migrated this can happen.

 when the company introduces a new ERP software or changes its existing one in such a situation you'll need to export data from multiple types of source DBS you operate at the moment and clean the data using an extraction transformation loading tool in our day.

 and age more and more companies migrate their data to the cloud and an SQL developer will certainly have to play an active role if this happens in their firm all right let’s discuss some of the technical skills and SQL developer needs on the job naturally.

 you need to be proficient in SQL I'm sure you didn't see this oncoming some of the most popular database management systems that allow you to work with versions of the structured query language are MySQL SQL Server impostures sequel MySQL is the world's most popular open source relational database management system while Microsoft's SQL Server is typically preferred by corporations quite 

importantly Microsoft's SQL Server comes with three essential types of services SSIS SSRS and SSAS these are some of the most frequently mentioned prerequisites and job ATS SSIS stands for SQL Server integration services a framework we use for data migration and data integration what is helpful is that SSIS contains an ETL tool that can be used for automated database maintenance SS RS SQL Server reporting services helps you prepare and deliver reporting and SSAS SQL Server analysis services enables analytical processing and data extraction these SQL server components were some of the most frequently mentioned and requested technical skills among all SQL developer job postings we analysed we can say with certainty that employers see this as the basis needed for this role some other in-demand technical skills.

we encountered our ability to work with and integrate databases with business intelligence data visualization software such as tableau and power bi proficiency and Microsoft Excel along with an ability to work well with pivot tables for ad hoc reporting in addition very often employers list some of the desired but not compulsory skills to have for SQL Developer positions such nice to have abilities our experience with no SQL databases Java Python or C programming and an understanding of big data analytics what about soft skills are they important employers look for SQL developers whare also good communicators SQL developers.

work hand in hand with Menwith various backgrounds in their firm they need to be able to understand the other person's point of view and reason together to design an optimal solution almost all job listings we researched mentioned good interpersonal skills and ability to communicate with people that leads us to our final point what formal qualifications do you need to apply as an SQL Developer and how much is the starting salary you could expect in different parts of the world this is apposition that is a suitable position for junior professionals however in most cases you need some initial experience almost all job ads we analyzed require done or two and sometimes more years of experience with SQL and relational database tools in a professional environment the other most frequently seen requirement was a bachelor's degree preferably if it came from a related field be it computer science engineering mathematics statistics or data analysis now to determine how much SQL developers.

 around the world make on average we relied on Glassdoor data and found out the following on average SQL developers in the United States receive 80 $1600 per year whereas in Germany a Sleeper takes home 55,000 368 dollars if you work on this position in Canada you will expect an amount in the range of fifty thousand five hundred US dollars which is slightly higher than forty seven thousand six hundred dollars in the UK and the average SQL developer in India makes around six thousand dollars per year according to Glassdoor okay we did our best to shed light on what an SQL developer does and how you can become one good luck and your way to becoming one if you liked this video don't forget to hit the like or share button and if you are interested in pursuing a careering the field of data science bi and data analysis subscribe to our channel for more videos like this one thanks for watching

Web development for beginners: What does a web developer do?

Entering the field of web development is an excellent choice and web developers are extremely high demand. This video will give you a good understanding of web development in order to pursue a career as a web developer. What is a web developer? 

Web development usually refers to activities related to web site functionalities development. Although every website is developed a little differently. There are three fundamental components that conduct every interaction between a user and the site: Client (or Frontend), the local computing device, and the browser that the user is interacting with to access the website. The big challenge, in this case, is to make sure that a website functions exactly the same way on all browsers. Server (or Backend), the server is the remote computer that is being 'run on the other side' and is responsible for site code generation and database handling. Database, the database is the information that is generated or used within the website. For example, all account information of a logged-in user is being stored in the database. Once the three fundamental components have been identified. You will clearly understand where web development ties into the entire process. 

The web developer plays a significant role by ensuring that when users interact with a website. It reacts in a certain manner. Web development roles: When developing websites there are specific project roles that have different responsibilities that are quite prominent: Web Designer. Web designers are responsible for the appearance and usability of a website. 

They usually work with Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Illustrator for design purposes and more advanced designers can build web prototypes using coding skills. FrontEnd Developer. Front-end developers are the glue that holds web designers and back-end developers together. These people deal with client-side programming and applying designs they have received from web designers. Their main tools are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Back End Developer. Back-end developers are those who work behind the scenes. They develop server-side logic, manage database connection, design APIs, handle security, and authorization. The main tools they use our Ruby, Node.JS, PHP, Python, Go- Lang, Java, Scala, and a great deal more. Back-end developers also deal with databases. Some of the most popular databases include MySQL, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, Redis, and oracle DB. Full-stack developer. A full-stack developer is a one-man army specialist that can work on both the client and server-side and sometimes even a design. mastery over different layers is in high demand. Understanding problems of different project roles makes them a good fit for a potential team leader position. 

What does a web developer do? In general, web developers are responsible for building and maintaining websites. You might think that web developers spend whole days working on their code. But it's not necessarily true, while development is the biggest part of a developer's job. There are other crucial tasks that needto be done. Here are other important activities a web developer is involved in Analysis: Analysis is a constant part of web developers' job. 

This involves talking with the client, gathering functional and non-functional requirements. This allows us to look at a project from a bird's eye view and then plan architecture properly. Code Review: Before the new code is added to the main codebase. It usually undergoes a code review process. This is where other developers go through your code, review it, and make suggestions for small fixes. Mentoring: Once you have reached a certain level and expertise. You're often expected to share your knowledge with others and train junior developers. 

This is usually followed by a PairProgramming in which to developers sit in front of one computer and attempt to solve problems together. Maintenance: This usually involves solving random bugs and implementing small changes for an already working project. Meetings: Developers spend a lot of time meeting and talking not only when discussing new features with clients. 

Developers often organized daily status meetings where they discuss what did they manage to accomplish on a previous day and what are they going to do on that day. Do you need a degree to become a web developer? Studying computer science will give you an understanding and all the technological layers involved in the field. However many companies do not care about aboutyour education but they do care about you know how to do your job properly. 

Unlike many professions that require months or even years of training. With web development, you can easily start right away. If you have a deep desire for learning and discovering the world of web development. There are many wonderful resources online to help you learn web development. Your only limit is your eagerness and willingness to learn and grow. So, are you ready to take the big plunge to start a career in web development? 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

How to Make a Website in 10 mins - Simple & Easy

Hi guys  I'm going to show you how you can quickly make a website. (in just 10 mins) Now after watching this video, you will be able to make any kind of website just like this, by using drag & drop. So, don't miss this video out and watch it till the end, to learn how to do it. 

Okay! So before we start, you need to First, Click the link, So I'm going to click this link. And, It will take you to this page.

 Now we're going to dothis in just 5 steps! Ok! So the 

1st step is to pick a name for your website. Now, I already have picked a name which is "" So I'm going to search for it... And then click"check availability". Okay, so you can see that the name is available. Once you get the name, you can go to the next step, which is to Get hosting & domain. Hosting & the domain is the two things we need for launching our website.

 Hosting is the place where your website's files will be stored Domain is the name of your website So to get hosting & domain, let's scroll down... and click get hosting... This will take you to, where we're going to buy the hosting. So let's, click get started'. Now enter the same name which you chose earlier. 

So I'm going to And then click search. Now click select& continue.

 Okay! So, this is our cart. Now you can see here that we're getting the domain for 959 rupees Now if we change the duration from 2 years... to 1 year..... You can see that, we're getting the domain for free. So, now let's proceed to checkout. Now Godaddy will ask you to log in. 

So let's click create an account. and fill in these details. Now enter any 4-digit number for the pin And click "Create Account". and then continue filling these details. Now, choose your payment option, and click continue.. Okay! So guy's this is going to cost us around 99 rupees per month, and, the plan will be valid for 1 year. 

So let's place the order. and make the payment. So I'm going to quickly complete the payment! Okay! So now we've completed the payment & we have got our Domain & Hosting. Now let's go to STEP 3, which is to Install Wordpress.

 Now we're going to use WordPress because it makes it very easy to build a website without knowing any programming or coding. So let's install WordPress, We're going to scroll down & then click managed wordpress. Okay! So we'll click here, and then click get started. 

Now just select your domain. and.. click next. then again click next Now you need to enter a username& password for wordpress. You will need this to login to wordpress So I'm going to enter my name and password and click install. Okay! So wordpress is installed! Now, let's click get started'.

 and then click no thanks... and okay. Okay, so this is your WordPress Dashboard! Now from here, you'll be able to control your website. Now if you want to access the (wordpress) dashboard anytime again, you just simply go to your website address and type \login Okay.

 So, once you reach your WordPress dashboard, This means your website is LIVE. So to check that let's go to our website address And press enter Now as you can see... our website is LIVE! So! This is how, the default site, looks like. 

So next, In order to easily edit our website, we're going to install a new theme. So the new theme is called"Astra" So to install the theme, let's go here... and click themes. now click 'add new' and search for... Astra. So we're going to install this theme. Just click install. and click activate. 

Okay! So the theme is activated. Next, we're going to install a plugin that comes with this theme. So by installing the plugin we'll be able to easily customize our theme. So to install that plugin, let's go to plugins. And then click 'add new'. Now search for a Plugin called 'Astra', And then install this plugin. So click install. and then click activate. So the Astra Sites plugin is now installed! Now, This plugin has a set of designs for your website, which you can choose and then apply it to your site. 

So to see those designs let's click see the library. So these are the designs. Now, before you choose a design, Just click the element. this will make it easier for you to edit the design So click elementor and now you can choose any design you like..... So, I'm going to choose this design... And you can see how the site looks like! If you want to apply this design to your site... Just click install plugins. and then click import this site. Now the design and the demo content will be imported into your site Once it's done! We can now see the site So let's click "view site". 

Okay! So as you can see, the demo has been imported into our website. and this is how it looks. And you can also see these other pages which also have the demo content.... So, Once you've got the design into your site You can now go to the final step which is to Edit the content.

 So, edit any page of your site. You just have to go into the page and click Edit with Elementor.  So let's say you want to edit the homepage, You just simply click home... And then click "edit with elementor".And now you will go into this editing section. So let's say you want to change the text here. you just select the text And then start typing anything you want So I'm going to type(Hi! Welcome to my website) And now if you want to change the text on this button. You just click here... And change the text on this button here So the same way, you can edit any text you want on this page Just select the text. And then start typing. So this works throughout the website. Now if you want to change this image, You just click it. Select the image here. And drag & drop your image. So once you're done with the changes, you can simply save the page, by clicking "save"

. And all your changes will be saved. Now you can view the page by clicking here and then click view page. So, you can see that all our changes are here... Okay, so now you know how you can edit any page of your site! Next, we're going to see how you can change the Header... Or the footer area of your website. Now by using elementor you will able to change this part of your websites. But if you want to change this area, which is the header. you can do it by going into the customize option. So let's go to customize. 

Now you can see that there are some "Blue icons". Now if you want to change this logo, just click this "Blue Icon" and you can change the Logo here. Now the same way you can change the menu section by clicking these icons. So everything can be edited by using these blue icons. and this will be the same in the footer area also. So let's say if you want to change the text. You just click this blue icon and start typing anything you want. Once you are done with the changes, just click "publish" and they will be published on the site. Now lets' close this and go back to our site. Okay! So we saw how to edit the header & footer area. 

Now, what if you want to add a new page? It's very simple. All you need to do is, you need to go into this new, And click page. Now let's say you want to create a service page for your website you need to first enter a title. and now to start creating a page just click edit with "Elementor". So now, it will take you to the blank section and now you have two options to create your page. First, you can either use these elements which are over here. and then drag and drop them into this area. So for example; if you want to add a heading you can drag and drop this element here. and then enter your text. And to add an image you can drag & drop this element. So drag & drop here and start creating your page! Now the other way to create a page... is by using templates. Now templates are ready-made pages which you can import into your site.

 So let's click "add template" and you will find a lot of designs here. Now if you want to use any designs, simply click it. See how it looks like. And if you like it, just click insert to get it into your page. And now you can see that we've got the design into our page. Now again like we did before you can change anything on this page, just by selecting it and typing anything you want. This is how it works. Once you are done with the changes, click save and view page. That's it, guys! This how you can add new pages to your site. So now you know, How you can launch your site, By getting domain & hosting. Import the demo content. and then edit it to make your own website So if you're ready to start making your own website... Just click here. It will take you to the page which we say in the first step which was choosing your domain. So just pick a domain and build your website.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

To & BEST WordPress Themes to Start a FANTASTIC Blog

I'll show you some of the best WordPress themes you can use to start a blog in any niche you want. First up, Neve helps you create a minimalist and speedy blog for just about any purpose. 

There is nothing spectacular when you first install it, but if you want to blog about energy solutions, for example, you can use this demo. Also, you can make money by recommending specific products from Amazon in your articles. 

If you want, you can transform it into a fully working e-commerce site as well, and sell energy panels or other products as a business and keep the blog for news. It is the flexibility I would like to see in any WordPress theme. Moreover, Neve is lightweight and fully-responsive in order to give your WordPress blog a Search Engine Optimization boost. Want to see how many features and options you have? I'll start showing you how to use it right now, so stay with me. It enables you to see real-time changes while editing the colors and typography through the live customizer. Moreover, it gives you possibilities to change a lot of things on your blog page as well as the structure of your single posts. Let me show you how it works. For example, the Blog / Archive settings in the Layout tab will give you access to features like Blog Layout. You have three options here, and I like how the masonry-style looks when I choose the three columns grid layout in this drop-down. If I check this box over here, the masonry style will look even better. Then I can adjust the Excerpt Lenght, the Post Pagination as Number or Infinite Scroll, and so on. Let's say I want my thumbnails to be displayed between the title and excerpt. I'll need to drag and drop the element where I want, and that's it. So cool, right? Also, I can choose to hide the title or both title and description then I'll end up with a beautiful blog page showing images only. Interesting! In the meta settings below, I can change the separator and move or hide the metadata displayed below each title. Finally, I get the option to show my avatar, set its size in pixels, and choose the style of the read more link, which is a really cool feature for bloggers. I can change the read more text too. Neve works great with the Block Editor of WordPress, where you have access to useful document settings for your blog posts. As you can see in the Post Settings over here, you can switch the container to contained or full width, turn off the sidebar or move it to the left and disable components like Header, Title, Featured Image, and Footer. Moreover, you can enable individual content width and adjust it by using this cursor. Hestia is excellent If you look for something easy to use out of the box. The design of the blog page is really cool, and you can change its look and structure through the customizer.

 In the Blog Settings menu, you'll find options for the Layout, Display Blog Categories, Excerpt Lenght, Post Pagination and if you go to theHeader Options and click on Header Settings over here, you can see options for changing the Header Gradient. Your page header can display an image too, but keep in mind that this image will be the default image throughout your entire web site on pages that has no featured image set. Let's go back to what Hestia offers for bloggers. In the Appearance Settings, General, you can change the Blog Layout and chose if you want to see the sidebar on the left or right or even deactivate it.

 Enable or disable the Sharing Icons which you can see on the single post page, enable the scroll to top button, and switch the layout to plain instead of boxed. Sure, you can change the Accent Color and the Background Color too, and here are some useful settings for your blog Typography. But I think I already mentioned that. You can change the Headings and Body font-familylike so, and adjust the size of each font type in the Font Size tab. I think it's great that you can do it separately for mobile and tablets. Hestia works great with the Block Editor of WordPress too, where you can access some customizer settings in the document sidebar. 

The Zelle WordPress theme looks and works exactly like the former Zerif. It comes with great features, and the blog page looks really good. You have options to customize the layout to fit your business totally, that is for sure. As you can see on the single post demo here, you can use the theme options panel to customize any given element with the exact color that you desire

. Download and install any theme in this video by accessing the link in the description box. If you have questions or you want me to showcase other great WordPress themes, leave a comment below and let me know what is your favorite theme. Feel free to check out other videos on our channel about WordPress and Themeisle products then make sure you subscribe and ring the bell so you won't miss any future videos I publish. See you in the next one. 

What is WordPress and what does it do for you WordPress

What is WordPress

we're going to teach you everything you need to know about setting up and managing your WordPress site. But first, let's take a look at what WordPress is and what it can do.

 If you're watching this, you probably already know a bit about WordPress, but let's just start with the absolute basics, to be sure. WordPress is a CMS, or content management system. It allows you to build a website and publish content that you want to share with the world. There are basically three things that are central to what WordPress does. First, there's an advanced text editor, called the block editor, that helps you write content for your post and add all kinds of media, like images and videos, to them. Second, it offers ways to manage and structure your content so it's an actual website and not just a collection of posts and pages. 

And, lastly, it has all kinds of options to customize how your site works and what it looks like. Now, the really cool thing about WordPress is that there are huge libraries of ready-to-use templates and features that people have created for you to hand-pick and apply to your site. 

Some are free, some are paid. In any case, all of these resources allow you to do a lot of things, even if you don't know how to code. By making smart use of these resources, you can make your site exactly what you want it to be. Which makes WordPressa very easy-to-use CMS. And in this course, we're going to show you exactly how to make maximum use of its beginner-friendly nature. Another great thing about WordPress is that it's both free and open-source.

 Open-source means that everyone can see and contribute to the program code that shapes WordPress. This creates a very powerful ecosystem. WordPress doesn't belong to any one company. It is freely editable by a bigger community of people who build on what's already there, improving WordPress one step at a time. That's one of the reasons why there are so many great extensions to the core of what WordPress provides, and why it's so versatile. 

Now, let's get practical: what can you actually do with WordPress? What are your options? Well, only almost everything! As I've told you, one of the big powers of WordPress is that you can use it to do all kinds of things. Want to blog? That's what it was made for. 

Want an online shop? No problem, just install an e-commerce plugin! Want to set up a news site, a membership site, a photography site? I could go on, the options are countless. Because it's so easy to customize, WordPress is a very strong and flexible foundation that can house anything you want to build. In the upcoming modules, we're going to dissect this foundation completely, so you'll be able to create your website as you've always imagined it! 

How To Get Your First Job On UpWork

Getting your first job on Upwork 

Getting your first job on UpWork can be really time-consuming, tiring, and sometimes with no result. I struggled a month and a half before I could get my first job on Upwork. After wasting lots of time, I realized that I'm doing something wrong. And today, I'm gonna share with you 9 tips that will help me get my job on UpWork with a 5-star rating. Let's do this What's up guys, Sirarpi here. If you are new to freelancing, make sure to check out my other video, where I talk about getting started as a freelancer. And if you are just new to UpWork, check out the other video. The link should be here or here where I talk about getting started on Upwork.

I share lots of important information so I really encourage you to go ahead and check out that video first. Alright, let's get started already. The number one thing that you want to do on UpWork is to do competitor research. You want to understand how your competitors market themselves. For that, click on the job search dropdown icon, click on Freelancers and agencies. Write down your profession. Let's look for graphic designers as I already typed that.

 Let UpWork take its time to load the search results. Here's what I want to know about my competitors: Their title - do I understand what they do? As a client, do I see what I'm looking for? Next, I'd look at the profile picture - is it professional enough? Then, the first several sentences of their profile description (because that's what the clients see when they do this same search). Is it engaging? As a client, would I be interested in their experience and the profile in general? The first freelancer wrote she currently works with 10 companies. That would scare me off as a client - how much time is she going to spend on MY project? For me, the winner is this guy - he is client-centered and talks about the benefits the client will get from him. He also listed all of his skills which is very good. One very important thing to look at is the portfolio. 

Sometimes UpWork shows an image from your portfolio in the search results. If you have a portfolio, it is another great way to grab attention and show the clients, hey, I'm better than others, choose me. Analyze all of this information and think about how you can outcompete them, what they don't provide that you can. Tell the client you are better than others. After analyzing your competitors, it's time to optimize your profile. Especially because you don't have any previous job experience on Upwork, it's essential to have a 100% complete profile. Pay attention to your profile description - how do you present your skills in a better way? Make sure to use the same keywords in the title and the description And provide information that will help clients choose you over others. List all of your skills you would like to be hired for. When you're done, ask your friends to read your profile description and give you feedback. Now that you have optimized your profile, it's time to look for a job. One thing I would really like to highlight here is to look for the right job. 

The first month when I was getting started, I didn't find any job and I was really desperate. I started looking for any job that I could do. So in the end, I landed a job of English GrammarQuiz. And the client was happy, I was happy, I got a 5-star rating. But in the long run, I understood that UpWork recommends freelancers who have completed jobs with similar skills and ranks them higher than others. So if I want to continue as a digital marketing specialist, English Grammar is not the skill I want to be ranked for. This is why you have to be careful with the first jobs that you land. If you want UpWork to show your proposal on the first page, you have to be careful with the skills. 

Before applying to a job, make sure to read all of your skills and understand that this is what you want to be ranked for Now if you are looking for a job desperately and can't find anything, it's because you randomly look for a job. But, in reality, if you want to find a job, you have to look for a job during the week and on different hours None of my clients respond to my messages during the weekend. Absolutely NOBODY. This is when I wanted to start my own research and understand if there's good timing to apply to a job on Upwork. I found out that the best times to apply to jobs on UpWork is during the week, before and after lunch hours and early in the morning and late at night. Because depending on the time zone difference, the best time for the clients can differ. But at the weekend, there's almost no chance to land a very good job. because everyone is having a rest. So my advice to you is - take a good rest during the weekend and roll up your sleeves during the week. If you don't want to waste your Connects, look for the most recent jobs only. If a job is posted a day ago, chances are that the client has received lots of proposals and is not even going to take a look at your proposal. 
This is why you only have to apply to the most recent jobs. For this, you can reload your feed to getthe most recent ones. And if you don't get any relevant information on your feed, you can use the advanced search. Look for specific keywords. Narrow down your search terms. I would only change the Number of Proposals to Less than 5.

 I want to make sure the. competition is not very high
The risk is that they might give you negative feedback and stuff. But the first thing that you have to do is to apply to the job, contact this person, communicate with them, understand if they are scammers or really good clients who can give you a 5-star rating. After that, read the job description carefully. Don't submit a proposal only because the title seems the perfect fit for you. Remember that not all the clients are professionals and sometimes they don't even understand what you do as a designer or a developer. This is why reading job descriptions are important. Then check out the skills the client mentioned in the job description, Preferred qualifications to see if you meet the client's needs. And Activity on this job section to understand if the competition is high and if the client is interviewing other freelancers. Jump to the client information section and check out the client location, the average amount they paid to other freelancers, and the feedback they received and gave. If you watched my previous video, .

you already know why client information is important. If you didn't, make sure to check it out because this part is really important and will leave a link in the description. Ok, so if you think that this job is a really good fit for you, go ahead and submit a proposal, write a great cover letter. Now listen to me carefully - Never EVER use a template cover letter DON'T you dare! Never do this. Personalize each and every cover letter. What they know is whether or not you can help them with what they need. I stated that I am a YouTuber, the type of content that I make and I stated that "My most important requirement is o be available during weekdays Do I want you to tell me you have thousands of years of experience? Or do I want you to tell me that you can help me and you'll be available during the week? Here's the best choice every client would go with "Hello, I am available during weekdays." "I have 6 years of experience in video editing".. And then, he asks me questions. My first reaction is to interact with this person This is the type of proposal that I want to see as a client. Just two sentences and I already want to hire this person. This is what the clients want to do. If you have previous relevant job experience, you can also give links in your cover letter
Another alternative is to attach a CV. But let me tell you no one is going to download your CV. If you want to be recommended by UpWork to other clients who are looking for freelancers with the same experience, look for short-term jobs. You will quickly close contracts and get good feedback with the skills you want and Upwork will give you more chances to appear in the search. And if you submit a proposal, your proposal will be seen at the first top ten results. This is basically everything that you have to know about getting your first job on Upwork.

How to monetize your Blogger blog with AdSense ads


How to set up AdSense for your blog.

Today I am going to show you how to set up AdSense for your blog.
If you've created your AdSense account from YouTube or AdMob, remember to upgrade your hosted account to AdSense for content before placing ads on your own website or blog.
 If you have a full AdSense account rather than a hosted AdSense account, you can create an AdSense ad code in your AdSense account and paste it into an HTML / JavaScript gadget in the layout of your Blogger blog. If you want to set up AdSense gadgets or configure ads in the Blog Posts gadget, you need to link your Blogger account to your AdSense account.
To monetize your Blogger blog with AdSense, sign in to your Blogger account and switch to your blog (if needed), then click on Earnings in the left menu. If your blog is still unsuitable for use in the AdSense application, you will find "How to qualify for AdSense" in your earnings tab. Click on it for more information. It links to information in the AdSense Help Center that explains eligibility requirements.
 Read all of that information very carefully. If you are applying for a hosted AdSense account and your blog does not already have a custom domain, do not use the "Sign Up for AdSense" button on this page.

When your Blogger blog is eligible to be linked to an AdSense account, place an orange "AdSense button" on your blog's revenue tab. Before adding AdSense to your blog, carefully review all AdSense program policies. Click the "Welcome to AdSense" page with two options: Click "Yes" to use a Google Account you already have logged in to use a different Google Account, or click "Create or Use Another Account" If you already have an existing AdSense account, be sure to sign in to that account, Do not apply for a second AdSense account. Next, you can verify that your blog URL is correct and your email username is correct.

If you link your blog to an existing AdSense account, you will see a button to confirm the association. Otherwise, if you are applying for AdSense, you will see the "Save and Continue" button. If you are applying for a new AdSense account, the next step will be asking you to enter your personal information.
This will open your blog's revenue tab, where you can customize your AdSense ad display settings. No ads will be displayed until your application is approved, but they must be enabled to review your application. You can also choose the basic layout for the ads on your blog. Note that if you are using a new Blogger theme, you will not find this "Sd Setup for Blog" section. Instead, you can choose the "Customize more in advanced advertising mode" option to go to your blog layout. To configure where ads appear on your blog, How to set up AdSense for your blog.

Monday, July 27, 2020

How to configure the Yoast SEO Search Appearance settings: General tab | Yoast SEO for WordPress


Hi, we're on the Search Appearance settings for Yoast SEO. In this screencast, we'll focus on the first tab, called "General". You'll find three different sections here, indicated by three different headings, called "Title separator", "Homepage" and "Knowledge Graph &". 

First of all, you can choose the title separator. The title separator determines what we use to separate different parts of your SEO title from each other in the search results. At Yoast, we tend to use this bullet between, for instance, the site name and the title of a page. Let me show you what that looks like in the search results. Let's google "keyword research Yoast". OK, if you look at the first result, you'll see the bullet appear between the name of the post (Keyword research for SEO: the ultimate guide) and the site name(which is Yoast). Of course, you can also use dashes or pipes, or something else. What you choose depends mostly on taste, but if you choose a longer one, like this em dash, the amount of space that you have for your title shrinks by the space that the title separator takes up in your title. 

So we usually recommend picking a shorter one, like dots, or a pipe. The problem that we have with a pipe is that it looks too much like the letter L. Let's move on to the second section, called "Homepage". What can we do here? Let's click the question mark to find out more. "This is what shows in the search results when people find your homepage Site. This means this is probably what they see when they search for your brand name." Okay, so, what you can do here is change the SEO title and meta description of your homepage. As we've seen before, you can use snippet variables to determine the SEO title. In our case, the SEO title of the homepage would say: "Yoast" (our site title), then a page number if there is any(our page), a bullet (or separator) and "SEO for everyone" (our tagline). You can easily adjust the SEO title clicking "Insert snippet variable". And you can always check which variables are available by clicking "Need help" and then "Snippet variables". In the next field, you can enter the meta description for your homepage. 
You can insert snippet variables here as well if you like. Now, let's have a quick look at our own homepage snippet. Let's just google "Yoast". Here it is, just below the ad. If people click this result, they will land directly on our homepage. Now, as you can see, we've customized our SEO title a bit. Instead of showing the site title "Yoast" first, we've chosen to first show the tagline "SEO for everyone". And our meta description explains one clear sentence what we do and which products we offer. The last section on this tab is called"Knowledge Graph &". That sounds rather difficult. Is it? Well, no, not for you. 

Because we take care of the difficult stuff for you. Let's first discuss the knowledge graph. What is it? A knowledge graph panel in Google's search results appears when you search for an organization or a person. If I search for, for example, "Walt Disney Company", this panel at the right is the knowledge panel. If I search for "Walt Disney" only, this is the knowledge panel. Within the plugin, you can change the settings that will determine what shows up here, which logo shows, and which social profiles show in this panel. You first have to determine whether you're an organization or a person. If you're an organization, you can set a name and logo here.

 The social profiles, like Facebook and Twitter, are taken care of in the Tools section of Yoast SEO. And we'll come back to that later in this course. If you're a person, you have to select the one that represents the site. Make sure that the user profile information is up-to-date as this information will be used the search results. You can edit this information by clicking this link. We'll come back to that later in this course as well. And... cool, cool, cool...

you can also upload an image for persons. What happens next? Well, we will automatically generate-called JSON-LD metadata (you don't have to know exactly what this is right now) but we show this data on the front page of your site. So you won't see this anywhere on the design of your site, this will just show in the code and it might show up in the search results. Good luck and don't forget to hit "Save changes" of course! 

Payment Gateway Integration-PHP

1 Apply For Instamojo for payment
2 Copy this code and upload in your Files
3 Put The authentication Key 0r Private Key in your files

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
		<meta charset="utf-8">
		<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
		<!-- The above 3 meta tags *must* come first in the head; any other head content must come *after* these tags -->
		<meta name="description" content="">
		<meta name="author" content="">
		<link rel="icon" href="../../favicon.ico">
		<title>Payment Mojo</title>
		<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="" >
		<!-- Optional theme -->
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="" >
		<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
		<script src=""></script>
    <div class="container">
	<div class="page-header">
        <h1><a href="index.php">Instamojo Payment</a></h1>
		<form action="pay.php" method="POST" accept-charset="utf-8">
			<input type="hidden" name="product_name" value="<?php echo $prd_name; ?>"> 
			<input type="hidden" name="product_price" value="<?php echo $prd_price; ?>"> 
			<div class="form-group">
			<label>Your Name</label>
			<input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" placeholder="Enter your name">	 
			<div class="form-group">
			<label>Your Phone</label>
			<input type="text" class="form-control" name="phone" placeholder="Enter your phone number"> 
			<div class="form-group">
			<label>Your Email</label>
			<input type="email" class="form-control" name="email" placeholder="Enter you email"> 
			<div class="form-group">
			<input type="email" class="form-control" name="amount" Value="100" readonly>
			<p><input type="submit" class="btn btn-success btn-lg" value="Click here to Pay"></p>
    </div> <!-- /container -->


$purpose = "Payment";
$amount = $_POST["amount"];
$name = $_POST["name"];
$phone = $_POST["phone"];
$email = $_POST["email"];
include 'src/instamojo.php';
$api = new Instamojo\Instamojo('29b34070bf5867b7d36bf2586c4f4855', '40d161c14f252cc781066e0c685f5f4d','');
try {
    $response = $api->paymentRequestCreate(array(
        "purpose" => $purpose,
        "amount" => $amount,
        "buyer_name" => $name,
        "phone" => $phone,
		"email" => $email,
        "send_email" => true,
        "send_sms" => true,
        'allow_repeated_payments' => false,
        "redirect_url" => "",
        "webhook" => ""
   $pay_ulr = $response['longurl'];
    header("Location: $pay_ulr");
catch (Exception $e) {
    print('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());

$data = $_POST;
$mac_provided = $data['mac'];  /* Get the MAC from the POST data*/
unset($data['mac']);  /* Remove the MAC key from the data. */
$ver = explode('.', phpversion());
$major = (int) $ver[0];
$minor = (int) $ver[1];
if($major >= 5 and $minor >= 4){
     ksort($data, SORT_STRING | SORT_FLAG_CASE);
     uksort($data, 'strcasecmp');
/* You can get the 'salt' from Instamojo's developers page(make sure to log in first):*/
/* Pass the 'salt' without the <>.*/
$mac_calculated = hash_hmac("sha1", implode("|", $data), "723a3b8f18014441b3a7aead136b6544");

if($mac_provided == $mac_calculated){
    if($data['status'] == "Credit"){
       /* Payment was successful, mark it as completed in your database  */
                $to = 'YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS';
                $subject = 'Website Payment Request ' .$data['buyer_name'].'';
                $message = "<h1>Payment Details</h1>";
                $message .= "<hr>";
                $message .= '<p><b>ID:</b> '.$data['payment_id'].'</p>';
                $message .= '<p><b>Amount:</b> '.$data['amount'].'</p>';
                $message .= "<hr>";
                $message .= '<p><b>Name:</b> '.$data['buyer_name'].'</p>';
                $message .= '<p><b>Email:</b> '.$data['email'].'</p>';
                $message .= '<p><b>Phone:</b> '.$data['phone'].'</p>';
                $message .= "<hr>";
				$headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
                $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";
                /* send email*/
                mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
       /* Payment was unsuccessful, mark it as failed in your database*/
    echo "Invalid MAC passed";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <!-- The above 3 meta tags *must* come first in the head; any other head content must come *after* these tags -->
    <meta name="description" content="">
    <meta name="author" content="">
    <link rel="icon" href="../../favicon.ico">
	<title>Thank You, Mojo</title>
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" >
<!-- Optional theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" 
<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src="" integrity="sha384-Tc5IQib027qvyjSMfHjOMaLkfuWVxZxUPnCJA7l2mCWNIpG9mGCD8wGNIcPD7Txa" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <div class="container">
	<div class="page-header">
        <h1><a href="index.php">Instamojo Payment</a></h1>
        <p class="lead">A test payment integration for instamojo paypemnt gateway. Written in PHP</p>
	<h3 style="color:#6da552">Thank You, Payment succus!!</h3>
include 'src/instamojo.php';
$api = new Instamojo\Instamojo('YOU_PRIVATE_API_KEY', 'YOUR_PRIVATE_AUTH_TOKEN','');
$payid = $_GET["payment_request_id"];
try {
    $response = $api->paymentRequestStatus($payid);
	echo "<h4>Payment ID: " . $response['payments'][0]['payment_id'] . "</h4>" ;
    echo "<h4>Payment Name: " . $response['payments'][0]['buyer_name'] . "</h4>" ;
    echo "<h4>Payment Email: " . $response['payments'][0]['email'] . "</h4>" ;
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
catch (Exception $e) {
    print('Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
</div> <!-- /container -->

 Pay U Money Download the files(pay form, success, failure). Save them to your htdocs or www folder. Open the files to edit. 

Now edit the form page, edit the success page and failure page URL as stored in your system(using FTP:// or https://). 

The mandatory fields are imported, to run the PayUMoney integration. Optional parameters can be skipped. 

Run the form page in the browser to fill all mandatory fields. Give anything as product info. Add the links to the file where the success page is located(in htdocs or www). Do the same with the failure page. Now submit the form. Entered into the PayUMoney site. 

Select any payment method. 
Here I'm using the Debit card method.

Now enter the details of any test debit card detail. PLEASE DON'T ENTER ACTUAL DETAILS. Test debit card details can be obtained online.

 Now submit this. Wait for it to connect. Please do not refresh or cancel the transaction. Success page appears, successful transaction. THANK YOU Please SUBSCRIBE for more. The success message can be edited here.