Monday, July 27, 2020

Top 5 Web Design Trends in 2019


 The tops 5 upcoming web design trends in 2019an example of Awesome websites that are using them ready let's check it out video background is one of.
 the best design trend that we are going to see it more and more often in 2019 many marketers used video background to create a modern look.

why give thevisitors first impression and captured their attention at the same time hereare some examples grid layout has been very popular in thepast few years and almost becoming the goto layout for web design until recentlythere was an introduction of asymmetrical layout or broken grid layoutthis trend is still going strong this year and we are expecting to see manybig brands starting to use it on their sites parallax scrolling has been around formany years but recently we have noticed more and more creative websitescombining this technique with many awesome ideas some were good some wereokay nevertheless we are going to see more websites implement anon-traditional scroll in 2019 by the way if you are looking for a quickparallax scrolling tutorial using only CSS check out tutorial video from ourChannel and link below we are going to see more and morewebsites with interactive contents like animation and mouse controllable contentwebsite is not just a static presentation anymore but a medium tograb their attention and let them interact with the content here are somegood examples minimalism tren is still strong and it'sgoing to stay that way in 2019 the less is more and clean design allow thewebsite to load faster and have better screen compatibility why give the userselegant impression here are some samples so that's all for this video and if youare interested in cool CSS design tutorial check our channel for weeklytutorial videos and it's watching and see you next time bye 

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